Client Rights

At Cornerstone we strive to provide excellent, respectful and caring services.   Understanding your rights as a client helps to make this happen. Our goal is to support our clients by empowering them to make their own choices in an open, safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. 

Client Rights & Service Responsibilities

At Cornerstone we strive to provide excellent, respectful and caring services.   Understanding your rights as a client helps to make this happen. Our goal is to support our clients by empowering them to make their own choices in an open, safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. To view or download the full document click here.

Resolving Complaints

Cornerstone is committed to providing a high quality service to everyone.  In order to do this we need you to tell us when things go wrong.  We want to help resolve any complaints as quickly as possible. Making a complaint will not negatively affect the services and supports you receive from us. If you have a concern, please talk to us first.  If we cannot resolve the concern to your satisfaction in this informal way then the following explains the formal steps we take to resolve complaints:

Complaints may be given to any staff of Cornerstone and you can do this verbally or in writing.  All complaints will be addressed promptly and in confidence.  You will be kept informed of the status of the complaint.  If the staff is unable to resolve the complaint, it will be referred to a Service Manager.  The Manager will respond within 7 working days.  Failing resolution at this level the complaint will be referred to the Executive Director.

If the Executive Director cannot resolve the situation, the complaint, where appropriate, may be forwarded to the Board of Directors.

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